Open-ended or free text survey responses are bits of qualitative data that can tell you more about audience experience and provide more in-depth responses and feedback. 

You can now access your Raw Data in Audience Finder 2.0 Beta. Simply log into the tool using your existing Audience Finder credentials and scroll down to the 'Go to Survey Library' section. Here you'll see a list of your recent surveys and the option to download 'Other Options - Download raw data'. The raw response data csv file includes responses to all survey questions asked (including bespoke questions) and your open text responses. Your survey response data is updated on a daily basis. 

If you would prefer to see a quick snapshot of your open text data, Audience Finder 2.0 Beta now provides a fast and simple way to synthesize large numbers of text responses and perform quantitative analysis. This new insight uses sentiment analysis to analyse responses to the core question from the Audience Finder survey: "Is there anything else you would like to say...?"

The sentiment analysis utilises Amazon Comprehend – a natural language processing service that uses machine learning to find insights and relationships in unstructured, qualitative data. It evaluates the presence and frequency of positive, negative and neutral words and phrases within the open text feedback from audiences and scores it accordingly.  Within the tool, you can choose to read through all of your responses or focus on a particular subset.