The Audience Finder dashboard includes the ability to benchmark your organisation’s data with national and regional benchmark comparators, but it may be useful for you to consider a more specific benchmark in your Audience Development planning. 


Why benchmark?

Simply put, benchmarking helps you define what ‘good’ and ‘best’ mean in a particular field of activity. So that you can then work out how you stack up against ‘best in class’ and make informed decisions about what and make informed decisions about what improvements are needed.


Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated 


To benefit from more specific benchmarking, organisations can form Groups which can use Audience Finder establish new, bespoke benchmarking. Working collectively can help organisations to align their audience goals and gain broader insight than when working alone. 


What can I expect as part of an Audience Finder Group?

  • Peer support and knowledge exchange to build expertise on data collection. 
  • Develop tactics and ideas of how to apply data within day-to-day activities.  
  • Support across the network to be more data-driven and inform strategy. 
  • Overcome, and feedback on, technical issues regarding data collection and ACE reporting requirements. 
  • Fulfil the ACE requirement of NPO’s to share audience data. 


Joining an Audience Finder group is straightforward and can be set up to suit the type and level of group work you would like to undertake.


There are different types and levels of Audience Finder Groups you can join.


Group Type 


Multi-Site Group 

A group of organisations that may be under one umbrella in terms of funding or governance and would like to benchmark with each other. 

Geo-Based Group 

A group based on a geographic area. 

Artform-Based Group 

A group based on the artform of the organisations (i.e. visual art galleries) 

Bespoke Group 

A self-determined group (for example as a legacy of a project). 


Group Level 

Gets access to 

Group Dashboard Comparator 

Group Dashboard Comparator 

Group Reporting 

Group Dashboard Comparator 

Group Reporting 

Facilitated Group 

Available at any level 

Enhanced survey dashboard 

Enhanced ticketing dashboard 


Once you have considered the type of group you may want to join, get in touch with one of our Account Management team at [email protected] to get set up.