Within Audience Finder, it’s possible for organisations contributing ticketing or survey data to connect their Google Analytics account to view key metrics, making them accessible within the platform. This may be accessed in the Web Analytics tab on the left-hand side of the screen.




From following the Get Started guidance you are invited to provide your full root website URL, which must be entered in full (including http:// or https://, if applicable). You can add one URL free of charge.



Once this has been verified by a member of our Support team, a web crawler is triggered which provides a summary of your website, as well as indicating any broken links.



After this step has been completed, it’s possible to connect up your organisation’s Google Analytics by looking within the tile entitled Site Overview. Once you’ve done so, the number of unique visits as well as the average time on site will begin to pull through to the platform, alongside the previous website summary data. It is also possible to categorise your website, to track how online visitors are engaging with its different sections (e.g. ‘What’s On’, ‘Shop’, ‘Support Us’).




When Google Analytics data is fed successfully and continuously into Audience Finder, it is then also possible to compare your unique visits and average time on site, week by week, to other organisations which are also sharing the same website metrics, to track web engagement relative to other arts organisations.



NB. If your organisation is not currently making use of Google Analytics, it will not be possible to access this feature.