So, you’ve got an Audience Finder survey set up and have been collecting for a while – how could that information help you?

Understand your visitors, and your local area

While you’ve probably already got a good idea of who your visitors are just from seeing them come through the doors every day, your survey data can help confirm and quantify this for you. 

Log into your Audience Finder dashboard and you’ll find a personalised overview of your visitors, including age, ethnicity, location, gender and more. You’ll also see your visitors segmented by Audience Spectrum type, giving you a rich source of more nuanced information about their lifestyles and attitudes to arts and culture.

You can also use the filters on the dashboard to compare your visitor profile with the general population of your area, to help understand who you’re currently not reaching.

Keep an eye on visitor satisfaction 

We all want our visitors to have a great time, and (ideally) tell their friends; after all, there are few more powerful marketing tools than positive word of mouth.

Your survey data offers a quick snapshot of visitor satisfaction, with quality scores given for various aspects of a visit as well as a net promoter score (i.e., how likely your visitors are to recommend you to their friends).

With data updated every week as your survey responses come in, you can easily keep an eye on satisfaction levels and quickly identify any areas for improvement before they become more serious issues.

By logging into your Audience Finder 2.0 BETA account you can also explore audience feedback towards the open text box responses of your data using the 'what do my survey respondents say about my organisation' insight. Using Amazon's Sentiment Analysis, your responses are been processed and sorted into four categories – positive, mixed, negative and neutral. You can choose to read through all of your responses or focus on a particular subset to further monitor your visitor satisfaction. 

Benchmark your results

Benchmarking helps you understand your data in context. It allows you to define what ‘doing well’ means, and understand if you are over-or under-performing in a particular area.

For example, you could determine if your visitors attend more frequently than the average for similar organisations, or whether you’re reaching more young people than other organisations in your region.

Armed with this information, you can then begin see the opportunities to both shout about your successes, and identify areas for improvement. 

If you are looking for further support in getting started with implementing your data, we have personalised 1-2-1 sessions available which you can book through our team.