When collecting data at your venue/event using Audience Finder surveys, always be clear to audiences why you are looking to collect this data.
If you are collected your data within your venue/onsite location using internal staff, volunteers or fieldworkers. We have full guidance on best practice data collection techniques for all face to face collection methodologies.
If you are using onsite e-surveys, collecting data through QR codes, make sure your messaging and guidance as straightforward as possible. When considering the positioning of your QR code, we recommend printing this to at least A3 size and displaying it in a visible location, where visitors can stop and scan the code from their phones without causing any delay to other visitors while standing at least 1 metre apart. A public seating area, café, box office or around the entrance are suggested locations. We have also found that the best response rate to onsite e-surveys occurs when venue/event staff highlight the survey to visitors when within the venue. Ensuring your team knows the QR code is there, its purpose and can support visitors using it is a recommended step. The increase in usage of QR codes by the hospitality and entertainment sector since March 2020 has greatly improved knowledge of QR codes within the population across all age ranges.
If sending out post-visit e-surveys, we would recommend emailing the survey in a direct e-shot and not as part of a wider newsletter, on a monthly or quarterly basis. Make sure suitable opt-in permissions have been granted from your audiences when purchasing a ticket or entering your organisation. You may wish to segment your mailing list if you are not looking to send the survey to all bookers from a set time period. There are many ways to segment your data, including Audience Spectrum, based on your objectives and data systems.
As you begin to collect data from your audiences, ensure you regularly monitor the responses using your Audience Finder/Audience Finder 2.0 Beta dashboards to get the most from your survey and the insights available to you. We would recommend checking your data at least monthly.